Monday, January 23, 2012

What does it mean to be a BAG Lady?

Our BAG Lady theme suggests that we all are gems, we just have to convince ourselves of it. We have to find the value in ourselves so that we can live better lives.  Using, we have defined BAG Lady in parts. The collective of the definitions sums up our purpose and goal for the BAG Lady Notebook and the BAG Lady series toward living well and healthily. Just as women have many concerns and carry lots of bags, these definitions have lots of meanings and is not always so easily defined. We want to help you make it easier...

Be is a state. It means "to exist in actuality; have life or reality."  Using the word be in varied senses allows us to better understand, identify, and demonstrate our worth. It transcends perceptions of others, it is your reality.  Being a gem is mental, spiritual, and physical.

A is the first letter of the English alphabet. Therefore, it shows significance of being first and usually having a high or the highest rank. In addition to quality, it denotes quantity. A is also singular, meaning one.  So, it is up to you and you alone to decide what kind of life you want to live and commit to achieving it. You must focus on how you can provide the best life for yourself. Grade yourself right now and see if you can raise that score to an A+!

Gems are precious and semi-precious jewels, stones, and metals that are usually high in value.  At, gem is defined as "a pearl or mineral that has been cut and polished for use as an ornament,…something that is valued for its beauty or perfection, [or]…a beloved or highly prized person." Oftentimes great advice are also called "pearls of wisdom" or "little gems of wisdom." At RMDSF, we hope that we can inspire you to see and treat yourselves as gems and live your best life. We provide "gems of wisdom" to help you along the way, but the rest is up to you. Show your sparkle!

Lady is more than a gender specification. We use the word lady over all other synonyms for female because it denotes class and refinement. According to the dictionary, lady means "a well mannered and considerate woman with high standards…regarded as proper and virtuous."  It can be used for women and girls. At RMDSF, we focus on women because they are usually the caretakers of their world: family, church, community, etc. We want you to approach your lives with the same consideration and high standards that you have for others.

It is important for women to remember to honor themselves. We honor you. We appreciate you. We want to see your sparkle…BAG Ladies!

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