Monday, January 9, 2012

A Fresh Start to Fitness: Setting Fitness Goals

A fresh start to fitness. With all of the gym membership deals available, we psych ourselves into thinking that a personal trainer, a gym full of equipment, a myriad of exercise videos, and a new high dollar treadmill, elliptical, or bike is what we need to get started. We jump into the gym at the beginning of the year with both feet, feeling like superwoman.  Truth is, most people stop going to the gym, avoid their trainer, watch the videos like a movie, and hang clothes on that special equipment by the end of the month. You need to set realistic physical activity goals.

Because you have been journaling, now you should be able to recognize how you manage your time and how you move your body.  Do you take the stairs instead of the elevator? Do you exercise regularly? How do you feel when you exercise? How do you feel when you don't?  These are questions to help you identify your current behaviors. Move forward with asking additional questions: Do you like exercising? What kinds of physical activity do you like to do? Do you play a sport? Do you need an exercise buddy? How much time do you have to exercise? Can you make it a family affair?

No time? Find pockets of time to move your body. It could be a short brisk walk, a few minutes of interval or strength training, or a full 30-45 minute workout a few days a week.  The key is to FIND or MAKE the time that is sustainable. Do not promise yourself incredible changes, it will lead to incredible disappointments. Schedule some time like you do an appointment for 30 minutes (all at once or disbursed throughout the day in 10 minute intervals) to exercise.

YouTube has a variety of demonstrations of short exercise routines; view one for ideas and proper form.  If you like fitness videos, rent them or check them out of the library prior to purchasing them. Doing so will allow you to try before you buy. If you want to purchase some exercise equipment, do your research, try it out in the stores more than once, try it in the gym, and visit resale stores like Play it Again Sports for deals.  And if you decide it's best to join a gym, be sure to choose one on your regular route, if possible. You will be more likely to go if you do not have to make a "special trip."  Also, speak to a wellness coordinator for free tips and get a trial membership before committing to a long term contract.

Enjoy exercises through activities with family and friends. A nice walk in the park or along the beach, a family bike ride, a friendly game of tennis, a morning swim, or just running around with the kids are all good ways to enjoy exercise and life. Try something active today.

This will get you started.  Start and keep moving…your life just may depend on it.

Disclaimer: This information should be used only with the approval of and in conjunction with professional advice from your physician or other certified health coordinator.

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