Sunday, April 8, 2012

Personal Trainer

In keeping with our monthly challenge, we suggest that you become more to yourself than you allow others to be. In this first post-challenge note, it is all about becoming your own personal trainer. After all, it is personal, right?! Who are you with all the time?  Who knows you best? YOURSELF! So, instead of investing in others to hold you accountable. Hire yourself. You can keep an eye on yourself all the time!

Start by identifying, from your journal, what activities you most enjoy. Then plan activities accordingly. Remember, you are aiming for 30-45 minutes of heart-pumping cardio and 20-30 minutes of strength training three to five times a week.

Once you gain a rhythm, seek advice from fitness professionals and websites that can help you in achieving your goals. Have a chat with your physician regarding your health needs to better identify a plan of action.

To some, consulting yourself prior to hiring a fitness professional may seem backwards. However, we understand that you must commit to a healthier lifestyle and exercise before spending and subsequently wasting money in fancy gyms and expensive trainers. Oftentimes, we get geared up, buy exercise clothes, get a gym membership, and hire a personal trainer in a great attempt to get fit. Well, when set backs happen or we do not achieve the great results immediately, we feel like failures and are contracted in these expenditures. Moreover, healthy living is about living, not about temporary solutions and part-time engagements. We must accept our role and wholly commit to living our best lives…our lives may depend on it.

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