Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Climbing the Healthy Food Ladder

We get many questions on how to best eat cleanly and healthily. There are many weight loss and diet programs out there, but we do not subscribe to telling people to “diet.” Diet should not be used a verb! It connotes temporary action. Instead, think of it as only a noun, as in: “Your diet should include healthy foods.” So, to help you on your journey, we must cover eating for a healthy life.

Most folks try to reach an optimum diet, but we don’t really know what that is or what is included. Some nutritionists suggests eating cleanly (fruits and vegetables with lean proteins) 90% of the time and give into temptations (fatty and sugary foods) 10% of the time. Others find it more realistic and able to achieve at 75%-25%, respectively. However, neither ratio solves our mystery of what foods to include. Are all fruits, meats, grains, and vegetables made equal? Are they only bad if we do bad things to them?

Here is a little help --

A few years ago, we were introduced to Michi’s Ladder through a workout program by Beachbody (makers of  popular workout videos: P90X, Insanity, and others). THIS IS NOT A PITCH OR ENDORSEMENT OF BEACHBODY OR THEIR WORKOUT PROGRAMS!

What we did find valuable is what they call Michi’s Ladder. It is simply a list of foods divided into tiers according to their healthiness. According to their website, Teambeachbody.com,

“Michi's Ladder is not a diet. It's a simple substitution plan. To lose weight, try swapping the foods you eat for similar foods in tiers 1 and 2. The more you eat in tiers 1 and 2, the more you'll increase your chances of losing weight. There are some healthy foods in lower tiers, but they're either calorie dense or nutrient deficient. To lose weight, you want to maximize the nutrients in every calorie you consume. Note on frying: Foods should be eaten raw, steamed, grilled, poached, baked, or broiled. Frying automatically drops even the best foods into tier 5.”

Follow the link to a printable Michi’s Ladder. Look to see what tier you are primarily eating from and try to swap out some items. Download it and use it to decide your grocery list. Keep it in the car, at your desk to help remind you about food choices. Remember, you don’t have to completely overhaul your life immediately. Gradual changes can make lasting results.  To assist you in eating cleanly, try to get most of your nutrients from the top two tiers.

Choose healthy foods for a healthy diet…your life depends on it.

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